FISH 6002 Assignment Guide

10% of your course grade is earned by participation. Just show up, be yourself, and participate!

The remainder will be earned by completing assignments. These fall into three categories:

  • Major assignment (60%)
  • Minor assignments (30%)

This document outlines the details and grading criteria for each assignment.

Major Assignment

The major assignment for this course will proceed in three parts: Data collection, management, and display.

Your task is to take data from a published source, document it thoroughly, organize it into an R Project, and prepare it as ‘tidy data’, and then redisplay it.

Part 1: Collection

Select a science paper related to fisheries (if you need inspiration, select one from DFO reports are acceptable as well, and they often contain data tables directly in the paper. Pick wisely - this paper is going to be the basis for the duration of your major assignment.

OR you may bring your own dataset to the paper.

Your first task is to obtain the core data from this paper. It is up to you to figure out how to do this. You may contact the author directly, you may use a program like GraphClick or DataThief to pull data from figures, or you may find a paper that drew from a specific database such that you could recreate the database query the authors used to produce their paper. This assignment has three deliverables:

  1. Create an R Project folder, as instructed in class.

  2. Produce a metadata file, indicating where the data came from, the volume of data collected, and how you obtained it. Describe what the data include (time period covered, subject, geographical range, etc.). Describe any restrictions on use. This should be comprehensive enough that your summary gives enough information to understand the dataset.

  3. Collect raw data files in CSV format representing the entire dataset, and put them in the correct subfolder within your R project. They need not be tidy, just complete.

This dataset should contain at least 500 unique values and 5 variables (i.e. be too big to easily manipulate manually, thus requiring computer code to do so effectively). Try not to select a dataset that is too big or too small.

Value: 15%


  • Summary /5
  • R Project folder established correctly /5
  • Raw data: /5

Due: End of Week 4.

Part 2: Manipulation

Your second task is to tidy the data you have collected. Organize the data into a coherent spreadsheet that is ready for analysis in R. Produce CSV files containing both the long and wide-format data. Do all manipulations in R, and share your code.

Note that this will require pulling data into R, manipulating it, and then outputting it as new CSV files - all things we will talk about in class.

Part 2 has two deliverables:

  1. Two CSV files - one long-format and one wide-format, containing the data you collected from Part 1. The long format data should be ‘tidy,’ while the wide format data should be as tidy as possible while still being wide format.
  2. R code, fully commented, that shows how you conducted your manipulations. I want to see evidence of:
  • Error detection and cleanup
  • At least three dplyr operators used (e.g. mutate, join)
  • Manipulation of data into long and wide formats

If the data you collected in part 1 are already tidy, I still want to see evidence of error checking, and I still want to see manipulations. Some manipulations you may make, as examples:

  • Calculating derived quantities from your data (e.g. make a new column that is a ratio of two other variables)
  • Converting data types, or renaming variables

How I want this submitted:

Please upload a single .zip file containing your R project. There should be an /analysis subfolder that contains your R script that accomplishes the objectives of part 2. There should be a /data folder that contains your data from part 1. There should be another folder (could be /outputs, /tidydata, or something equally descriptive) that contains the CSV files that your script will create)

Value: 20%


R code /18

  • Inputs data from a .csv into R
  • Conducts error detection and cleanup
  • Applies at least three manipulation operations (e.g. mutate, join, count)
  • Organizes data into long format and exports as .csv
  • Organizes data into wide format and exports as .csv

Organized R project, with correct files outputted /2

Due: End of Week 9.

Part 3: Display

Your third task is to use R to produce three figures that visually summarize the data that you have collected. Each plot should be effective, efficient, and publication-quality.

You may use ggplot, base plot, or any other R mechanism to do so, but you should try to make the graphs as informative and beautiful as possible.

We will talk at length in class about how to make figures clean, readable, and informative, and you will be assessed on that basis. However, I encourage creativity here, and would like you to challenge yourself to make truly beautiful data visualizations.

Part 3 has two deliverables:

  1. Three graphs that summarize key aspects of your dataset. You may recreate (and improve upon) figures already in the paper whose data you borrowed, or start from scratch. You may produce a single multipanel plot with three figures if you think it would be more effective than doing them separately. You must use at least three different graphing elements, e.g. boxplots, dots, violin plots, lines, etc.)

These plots should be formatted for publication - at least 300 DPI, in TIFF format, following Figure prepration directions from Plos One.

  1. A single Word document that includes descriptive and comprehensive figure captions for each figure.

How I want this submitted:

Please submit one TIFF file for each plot. Normally, three TIFF files will be submitted - but if you have made a complex multipanel figure (e.g. that contains two different plots) then fewer TIFF files may be submitted.

The TIFF file should employ LZW compression.

Filenames should be:

  • LASTNAME_Captions.docx

Multipanel plots should be labelled A, B, C, D, etc.


Value: 25%

For each plot:

  • Figure caption /5
  • Aesthetic appeal /5
  • Publication quality /5
  • Effectiveness /5

Detailed rubric visible on Teams.

Total Major Assignment value: 60% of course grade

Due: Before start of business day, Dec 9.

Minor Assignments

I define a minor assignment as something that takes < 1 week to complete. You will be given directions on these in class. Expect there to be three minor assignments, which together will be worth 30% of the course grade.