Data and Software in Fisheries

Data and Software in Fisheries

Fisheries science is quantitative, and that means you are going to have to work with data. From social sciences to stock assessment, fisheries professionals spend much of their time in a software environment. In the first week of class, we will discuss the types of data that fisheries scientists work with, and outline the spectrum of software that modern professionals may have to use over the course of their work in the fisheries sciences.

Lecture Topics

  • Introduction to the course
  • What is/are “data?”
  • Concept: Free vs. paid-for software
  • The problems with an Excel/SPSS workflow
  • Trends in data science in fisheries

In-class Activities

  • Introduction to assignments.


Activity: Discuss assignments

Run through assignment guide. Encourage people to begin considering papers to select for the main project.


Slides are available via speakerdeck