Welcome to the MI graduate program course websites

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Welcome to the Marine Institute graduate program website. As the leadership of the graduate programs are in transition, I have de-listed myself as academic director, which is why that field is now blank.

The course websites will remain posted, and I am in the process of re-tagging all course slides as being under a Creative Commons license, which I should have done all along. You are welcome to use these resources for any purpose, with attribution.

The new Academic Director and course instructor may choose to retain use of this platform. Or they may not - it is their choice. I will not be updating this site past April 2020, and will hand it off to MI management who will in turn pass it off to the next instructor.

The Marine Institute will retain ownership of the present website and course materials, and I am hopeful they will honour the spirit of the Creative Commons license, continuing to make these materials available for others to use in their own teaching or self-directed learning.

  • Brett Favaro
